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[1549]abduzeedoDEV - Photoshop
Photoshop Tutorials
[1373]Digital Dog Photoshop TipsDEV - Photoshop
Photoshop Tips and tricks....
[1416]iDigitaleMotion.comDEV - Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop tutorials/tips & tricks...
[1641]Photoshop 911DEV - Photoshop
Welcome to Photoshop 911 dot com is the questions web address for Photoshop Tips & Tricks a supplement to DT&G ezine which has been continuously published online since 1989. With the addition of Photoshop Tips & Tricks in 1990, it became the first continuously published online Photoshop resource in the world. Most of what happens at Photoshop 911 dot com is behind the scenes, nearly 90 percent email based -- continuing as it has for the past decade answering people's questions and posting content about Photoshop, photo retouching, imaging, painting, drawing and image editing. You can visit the ongoing Photoshop 911 cases at, Photoshop 911's Interactive Blog, or check out the latest Photoshop Resources at the Photoshop Resources Interactive Blog. For ongoing original content about Photoshop, painting, color and image retouching visit DTG Magazine's Photoshop Content areas at:
[1503]PhotoshopCafe.comDEV - Photoshop
A good beginner to intermediate Photoshop tutorial site...
[1725]PopPhoto.comDEV - Photoshop
Digital Photography
Great Site for news/reviews on digital cameras and digital photography...
[1538]rnel.netDEV - Photoshop
Lots of Photoshop Tutorial and tips...